Author Archive: Patrick

JAMA Paper: Wearable Devices as Facilitators Not Drivers of Health Behavior Change

Support for the concept:”Wearable Devices as Facilitators Not Drivers of Health Behavior Change” JAMA.;2015;313(5):459-460. doi:10.1001/;Mitesh S.;Patel;MD MBA MS1; David A.;Asch;MD MBA1; Kevin G.;Volpp;MD PhD1 Link:; ” This Viewpoint discusses issues that prevent wearable medical devices from effectively bridging the…
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Zuschuss fuer Wearables: Die Kasse trainiert mit – in Spiegel Online Gesundheit – Von Irene Berres und Nina Weber

“Schrittzaehler Pulsmesser Apple Watch: Mit sogenannten Wearables checken gesundheitsbewusste Menschen ihre Fitness. Jetzt bezuschusst die erste Krankenkasse solche Geraete – doch das ist umstritten.” Link:; ;Zuschuss fuer Wearables:;Die Kasse trainiert mit Von;Irene Berres;und;Nina Weber

“Brief Intense Exercise Boosts Heart Function in Type 2 Diabetes Small preliminary study also reported significant reductions in liver fat”;eun=g848991d0rabout an;Article in;Source Reference:;Cassidy S. et al “High intensity intermittent exercise improves cardiac structure and function and reduces liver fat in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial”;Diabetologia;2015; DOI: 10.1007/s00125-015-3741-2.